The Ego-3DS With A Steel Basket is built With The Same Part And Manufacturing as the 'orange Crush', 'The Touch', 'Goldilocks', 'Gator', 'Vapor', And 'N-gage' Clutches. All parts are 100% Replaceable by any of our Crush Clutch parts. these Clutches are factory blueprinted and offer the best performance and price of any clutch on the market.
CAD/CAM Designed, Machined, And Made in the USA
Advanced Lever Geometry Positive Engagement :increased Acceleration
Adjustable Stall Speed
Spring Matched Install within 1lb to ensure consistency
light Weight Clutch Basket
180" Thick Back Plate made of Steel
140" thick pressure Plate made of Steel
more Consistent Engagement and heat Dispensation
Blueprinted From the manufacturer, no need for additional blueprinting